Rethinking a help center

Travel company eDreams ODIGEO sells flights and hotels across 45 countries.
Summary & role
I led end-to-end designs to revamp the outdated help center website of travel company eDreams ODIGEO with the goal of reducing calls to the customer service. Key skills: Research, information architecture design, interaction design, prototyping, user testing, visual design
I started by leveraging existing metrics, a competititve usability evaluation and an extense benchmark that provided me with insights around current usability problems, desired features and topics with most traffic.

Help centre visits per category

user testing of eDreams vs a competitor
Independently, i ran a benchmark on information architecture and layout of other products and also analysed the flows of the existing help center, uncovering further problems.

Analysis of the mobile flow and flagging of issues

Analysis of the desktop flow

Analysis of content across languages and flagging of bugs

My benchmark on help sections of other products, highlighting interesting IxD decisons
Information architecture
I mapped the existing content, proposed a new structure based on research insights and ran a card sorting and two rounds of treejack tests.

The original information architecture

First iteration on my proposed information architecture

Last round of tree testing where i iterated on a handful of sections that didn't work well
Wireframing and user testing
I started with the structure definition, moved on to low-fi explorations and after getting feedback from my colleagues i prototyped and did several rounds of unmoderated user tests and design crits.
The main scenarios were visitors and logged customers. In the latter, the site would be personalized with the user's informaton on their trips.

Definition of site achitecture

first wireframes

first prototype for testing

The questions that i wanted to answer through the first test
UI designs
I worked on designs for both desktop and mobile, using components from eDream's design system. The project would also include personalized illustrations for all the sections and the home.

I moved on from the company when conversations around implementation and MVP were statring to happen, but these designs received really positive feedback from colleagues and stakeholders alike.
I also received positive feedback for leading this external project in parallel to my everyday work embedded in two cross-functional teams, and specially for introducing design practices to many people in customer service teams that never worked with design before.